Monday, August 12, 2024



Folks, if you haven't lost your mind yet, please hang on to it.  Grip it tightly.  And don't let it slip away.  Why?  Because some people out there seriously believe you shouldn't have a brain.  The media and Team Kamala are pumping her up as the second coming of Christ, even with her grating laugh, which discharges uncontrollably even at the most serious moments.  I'll give her two more weeks, maybe three, then the lustre will fade.  The MSM is on its way out.  Kamala, too.  Her created new shine soon will fade.  She came from two good parents, both intelligent academics, then she dragged her inherited legacy into the sewer.  The odor persists.

Here's a test:

  • Do you believe that 2+2 = 4?
  • Do you believe that babies should have their dirty diapers changed?
  • If work starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow, do you think you should be there at 8 a.m.?
  • Do toilets, sinks, trash cans, refrigerators and ovens serve a useful and hygienic purpose?
  • Should fish ever be cooked before eating?
  • Do you prefer a dozen eggs at $2.88 rather than $10.99?
  • Would you like your mortgage rate lowered?
  • Should your underwear ever be cleaned?
  • Should a leaky roof be fixed?
  • Are borders helpful?
  • Is love better than hate?
  • How about justice over injustice?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, you clearly have a functioning brain.  

If I need to convince you that "Yes, you probably have a functioning brain," and you give me that far-away smile while I'm talking, you may be an exception to the rule.  Society may accept you, though likely we'll need to keep an eye on you, at our expense.  Just don't take it for granted.  The gene pool tends to be particular.

If you answered "No," go back to your regular programming on CNN or MSNBC after the commercial, then find another blog site, and trip on over to the MSM, because your brain cells aren't connecting.  You may think I don't know anything, but at least no one will accuse you of thinking.

Take this video, for example, which is offered by "Heels Up Harris" for some people's brainless consumption.  She's the first politician I know who only needed suntan lotion on the bottom of her feet. Willie Brown, anyone?  Copy, paste and open this X link, which may explain how her brain works:

After watching, ask how supporters can get through the gates at one of her speeches if they can't prove "they are who they are."  These are her words.  Listen carefully to what she says.  If you can't verify your identity, her security personnel won't let you in, and you can't learn why you should vote for her.  Yet she wants your vote.  Try to square that circle.  If her thinking makes sense to you, please drop your brain in the trash can at the entry gate, since it's not needed.

First Joe Biden.  Now Kamala.  You can't fix either end of that spectrum.  Oy, veh.

People with brains don't live in pretend-land.  Reality works much better.

If you think Trump is Hitler, there's a special trash can for you. 

Kamala since long ago is a sewer rat.  Showering doesn't help.  I can smell her from here.  The odor exudes, like eating garlic before a big date, mixed with a rat-like scent.  The smell seeps from all available pores.  Think of that the next time you look at her.  Otherwise, you'd better have ID if you want to see her.  Please go.  She needs your vote.  Trash cans will be available.

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