Friday, August 23, 2024




Had Republicans and Democrats not screwed things up so badly over the past forty years, Donald J. Trump likely never would have been elected as President.  But they did screw things up, as they normally do.  Then Trump got elected.  His rise to prominence wasn’t the first time.  Reagan got elected in 1980 and had a promising future, B Grade actor that he was before he ascended the throne.  Then he took center stage and was majestic.  He had a policy plan.  And he implemented it with success.  There was hope.  As pointy-head James Carville wisely said in 1992, “It’s the economy, stupid.”  Ross Perot brought the same message that year, and as a businessman, but his effort was futile.  GWH Bush and his “thousand points of light” screwed things up all over again and ushered in the Bill Clinton era.  Then came Trump in 2016 and again in 2020.  He is cut from a different cloth.  The guy is one of a kind. 

Oh, sorry.  I left out George W and Obama, two losers.  My bad.  I should’ve paid more attention, if only for the historical record.  George W ran on his Texas governor creds.  Obama ran on his mystery rise to the top and his prima donna narcissism.  You think that wasn't planned?  Both strategies worked.  George W and Obama both were bankrupt.  They proved to be turds in the punch bowl.  Don't take my word for it.  Just take a whiff.

Hence, Trump, who faced headwinds every day.  Then Joe Biden, the joke of the century.  More votes than Trump or even Obama in 2012?  Seriously?  Short of election fraud, he never would have been in the picture.  You know it and I know it, so let's not pretend.  Our betters simply didn't want Trump.  That's how charades are played every four years.  Outside of landslide voting and statewide election improvements, we've seen the last of the good old days.  You can thank electronic voting machines and ballot boxes for that.  If you still insist on them, you'll get more of the same.  Cf. Einstein's definition of stupidity.

Trump alone stands out as a man for the people.  Few would have thought as much in the beginning.  In fact, few ever would have paid attention to him if his predecessors hadn’t messed things up so badly.  But they did.  Not just badly, but BADLY!  It’s what they do best. 

No one ever spends your money as carefully as you do.  Why?  Because you have to balance your checkbook and they don’t.  Politicians get to spend your money without ever balancing anything.  All they do is screw things up, then they want you to re-elect them so they can fix the very problems they create.  Fat chance, and they know it.  So it’s gargle, rinse, repeat, assuming their campaign mouthwash will clean out the bad taste in your mouth every two, four or six years.  Think of the economy.  And inflation.  And our open borders, to name a few.  Congress doesn't fix anything.  Their focus is on re-election, plain and simple.  And they assume you are dumber than them, which you are not, yet they know you will pull the lever for them nonetheless.  That's how the game is played.

When was the last time prices actually went down?  Think of the price of meat, or eggs, or bacon.  Biden lowered the inflation rate to 3% this year, as of July?  So now, after an 14% increase over the past two years, it’s only going up 3% more?  That means your paycheck is now worth 17%, unless you got a raise.  Then realize they didn’t include the price of gas or energy in the basket of goods when those increases were calculated.  Let that sink in.  Your brain will get exhausted.  It’s by design.  You will feel it when it’s time to buy groceries or pay the bills, but they hope you don’t notice.  After all, they’re making a fortune as politicians.  It’s good to be the king!!!

Think of politicians as used car salesmen, because that’s what they are.  Their job is to polish up S**t to look like Shinola.  Don’t expect better, unless you’re talking about Trump, the non-politician politician.  He doesn’t care about money or power or their Shinola products.  He’s not interested in those things.  He already has all he needs, and more.  This talk about him being a dictator is pure political pablum.  Like I said, they think you are stupid.  Trump wants to make a difference, and he knows he has only four more years to set the template.  Let’s do it.  Let’s set it in stone.

That’s why they hate Trump so much and do everything in their power to destroy him.  They think you’re too dumb to notice the problems they’ve created.  Plus, they are getting rich.  They hope you don’t notice their wealth either, especially because you are paying for it all.  They are the ones who get to spend your money in order to get re-elected.  You think they don’t know this?

Trump shines a light on all the cockroaches on the floor.  The media tries to clean the room before you turn on the TV.  They, soon, will run out of brooms and be out of business, liars that they are.  In the meantime, their talking heads will be paid well, thanks to Big Pharma and other TV sponsors, which explains why liars lie.

If you’re a cheater, the last thing you want is for someone to come along and turn on the lights, making obvious what you have been doing for such a long time.  The devil never wants anyone to think he actually might be evil.  It takes someone as clever as them – but a reformer – to expose the truth.  Trump wants to drain the swamp.  A growing nation of voters cheer him on.  They, too, are tired of the Washington Two-Step.  And they know that Trump has the talent to do it.  So do his political enemies.  If Trump succeeds, there goes the future of our professional politicians, our used-car salesmen, as well as those behind the scenes who actually pull the strings.  Hence, they will do everything in their power to stop him.  As David Plouffe tweeted back in 2016,   

"It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again."

Yes, Plouffe is talking about you and me, so pay attention.  He and his ilk are not our friends.  Plouffe drew the battle line, not us. 

This crescendo will build right up to election day in November.  Be prepared for the barrage.  You are the target, and it’s coming.  In fact, it’s been coming for a while.  J6ers, anyone?  Or True the Vote?  Or Planned Parenthood protestors?  Or moms and dads at city council meetings?  The FBI and other government agencies have been sicced onto all of them. 

Long story short, the Tories and Whigs are at it again.  The Whigs were the revolutionaries, and they won in 1783 under the leadership of George Washington and men like Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox.  Gird your loins.  We find ourselves on that same terrain 220 years later.  Let’s pray that all ends peacefully.  Voting matters.  So does election integrity.  It’s up to each state to get their affairs in order.

As Chuck Shumer said years ago, the deep state has six ways from Sunday to stop Trump.  Shumer just didn't understand Trump's acumen.  God only knows what the deep state holds over Shumer's head, wimp that he is.  It must be some juicy info.  The media is in the bag, too.  They’ve already used five of those six ways to no avail.  They've yet to find anything to hold over Trump's head.  He's a magician when it comes to dodging bullets.

The next two months will be filled with drama.  As for the deep state, you won’t see them in action.  They always work in the background.  They are powerful, as Harry Truman quickly realized and regretted after he created the organization in the late 1940s.  They can, however, be defunded.  These folks have long since not been our friends.  

The upper echelon of three-letter agencies have learned to follow the political winds. That's how they get appointed in the first place.  They've learned to jockey around to stay in power.  It's good work if you can hold on to it.  You've got to go along to get along.  Those beneath them simply want to keep their jobs, their days off and their benefits.  Whether it's the DOJ, the FBI or any other three-letter agency, they have been set up to serve politicians, who finance them, but the three-letter agencies hold the inside information on the politicians.  See how that works?  The deep state has their hands on the levers of power.  They can release to the media whatever info they want.  They have all the dirt.  Or the FBI or DOJ can do it for them.  It's wicked business.  They can even destroy you with lies, knowing the MSM will cover their backs.  After all, they control them as well.

It doesn't matter whether you are Dem or Rep.  Those who hold the cards control the game.

Let's not pretend any longer.  We know how the game is played.

Monday, August 12, 2024



Folks, if you haven't lost your mind yet, please hang on to it.  Grip it tightly.  And don't let it slip away.  Why?  Because some people out there seriously believe you shouldn't have a brain.  The media and Team Kamala are pumping her up as the second coming of Christ, even with her grating laugh, which discharges uncontrollably even at the most serious moments.  I'll give her two more weeks, maybe three, then the lustre will fade.  The MSM is on its way out.  Kamala, too.  Her created new shine soon will fade.  She came from two good parents, both intelligent academics, then she dragged her inherited legacy into the sewer.  The odor persists.

Here's a test:

  • Do you believe that 2+2 = 4?
  • Do you believe that babies should have their dirty diapers changed?
  • If work starts at 8 a.m. tomorrow, do you think you should be there at 8 a.m.?
  • Do toilets, sinks, trash cans, refrigerators and ovens serve a useful and hygienic purpose?
  • Should fish ever be cooked before eating?
  • Do you prefer a dozen eggs at $2.88 rather than $10.99?
  • Would you like your mortgage rate lowered?
  • Should your underwear ever be cleaned?
  • Should a leaky roof be fixed?
  • Are borders helpful?
  • Is love better than hate?
  • How about justice over injustice?

If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, you clearly have a functioning brain.  

If I need to convince you that "Yes, you probably have a functioning brain," and you give me that far-away smile while I'm talking, you may be an exception to the rule.  Society may accept you, though likely we'll need to keep an eye on you, at our expense.  Just don't take it for granted.  The gene pool tends to be particular.

If you answered "No," go back to your regular programming on CNN or MSNBC after the commercial, then find another blog site, and trip on over to the MSM, because your brain cells aren't connecting.  You may think I don't know anything, but at least no one will accuse you of thinking.

Take this video, for example, which is offered by "Heels Up Harris" for some people's brainless consumption.  She's the first politician I know who only needed suntan lotion on the bottom of her feet. Willie Brown, anyone?  Copy, paste and open this X link, which may explain how her brain works:

After watching, ask how supporters can get through the gates at one of her speeches if they can't prove "they are who they are."  These are her words.  Listen carefully to what she says.  If you can't verify your identity, her security personnel won't let you in, and you can't learn why you should vote for her.  Yet she wants your vote.  Try to square that circle.  If her thinking makes sense to you, please drop your brain in the trash can at the entry gate, since it's not needed.

First Joe Biden.  Now Kamala.  You can't fix either end of that spectrum.  Oy, veh.

People with brains don't live in pretend-land.  Reality works much better.

If you think Trump is Hitler, there's a special trash can for you. 

Kamala since long ago is a sewer rat.  Showering doesn't help.  I can smell her from here.  The odor exudes, like eating garlic before a big date, mixed with a rat-like scent.  The smell seeps from all available pores.  Think of that the next time you look at her.  Otherwise, you'd better have ID if you want to see her.  Please go.  She needs your vote.  Trash cans will be available.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Things I Hate Reading, Watching and Listening To, Though I Still Read, Watch and Listen, If Only To Take One For The Team:

Politicians talking

President Biden talking.

Kens and Karens who are one minute away from being arrested for being histrionic.

Drama Kings and Queens who think they can talk themselves out of a traffic violation, only to make it much worse for themselves before the cuffs go on.

People who talk about how beautiful their pug bulldogs are.

Idiots who title their YouTube Videos “Things No One Has Ever Known,” not realizing the irony in the title.

Listening to the naïve and deadly virtue signaling of “Queers for Palestine.”

Anything to do with “Just Stop Oil” protestors.

The WEF.

The WHO.



DEI Advocates.

CRT race-peddlars.

The LGBTQ fad-du-jour, courtesy of Tic-Tok.

The virtue of open borders.

Corporate Media.

Lawfare manipulation of the legal system.

George Soros.

I should stop here, lest I bore you with a longer list of social malignancies.  What you see above is what happens when cancer begins to metastasize.  It spreads…and spreads…and spreads, and doesn’t slow down.  But these social maladies spread only as long as we allow it. 

And who is “we?”  “We” are the folks who can put an end to it.  It’s long past time we do.  I’m not good at doing stupid.  Nor do I think most folks are.  Let’s give the MOHS treatment to these invasive evils before they send us to an early grave.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


To which I can only say, "How soon?"

Or to quote a televangelist, "Begone, dumba*ss."

I'll check tomorrow.  My guess is you'll still be here.  Idiots will never leave Twitter.  It's the Dunning-Kruger phenomenon.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Heads Up For You Cooking Connoisseurs

It's time for some grocery shopping and cooking advice.  How do I know?  Easy. Because I've decided it is.  See how easy that works?  Anyway, onward.

Whenever you see a tomahawk steak at the butcher's shop, walk on by.  Been there, done that.  It ain't worth paying an additional $40 for the thrill of a big bone and a little extra meat.  Here's what one looks like: 

Hmm.  Looks like a regular ribeye without the long bone.  Who would be stupid enough to buy that, other than me?  Don't answer.  Just buy a couple of regular-priced ribeyes and get on with your day.  It will save you money and taste the same.

Veal is ridiculously priced.  I'm having a veal chop tonight, just to clean out my fridge.  Save yourself some money and skip it, unless you still have a veal chop in your freezer.  Otherwise, if the urge arises, buy a hamburger and call it even. 

I prefer filet mignon cooked sous vide, finished in a piping hot skillet for a minute on each side with goat cheese and balsamic glaze on top.  Tasty. 

If you're on a keto diet, like I am, buy the garlic flavored mashed cauliflower and add cheese or sour cream after microwaving.  It cuts the bland flavor.  Otherwise, cauliflower tastes like s**t.  Alternatively, skip cauliflower altogether.  I only eat it for the fiber.  It's one of God's worst vegetables, a nose ahead of broccoli and brussel sprouts.  I can forgive God for that, but I don't know why.

Let me know if you want more culinary advice.  Naturally, I'll offer it whether you ask or not.  

Stay tuned for more of this or whatever else is on my mind.

Monday, February 28, 2022

 RACISM, 2022

If you thought another event couldn't fit into the racist narrative, you would be wrong.  

Pigs in slop aren't driven away easily.  One NYTimes writer now has the Russia-Ukraine conflict in her sights and, yes, it's (sigh) another sign of pandemic RACISM!!!  How else to describe white Russians conflicting with white Ukranians other than further proof of racism?

You think I'm joking, but I'm not.

The founder of the 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, aka Ida Bae Wells, has this to say, and she "really, really" means it: 

Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.
I'm going to start a thread of these incidents of insidious racism in the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis, because I've just been seeing so damn many.
And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.

I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.

Her's is not a mental illness...or an ideology.  It's just a way to make money, plain and simple.  Narratives help.  I promise you, she goes home and lives as normally as you and I.  Then she wakes up and goes to work.  Her type understands how the system works.  And she feeds off of  it.  You pimp the narrative and take the paycheck.  Ida Bae is turning a trick.  Otherwise, how does one make sense of her nonsense?

She's just another example of "you can't fix stupid."


Here's the best synopsis of Ukraine-Russia that I've heard so far:

Do with it what you will.  The MSM will not be much help.  They are bought and paid for.  If you listen to them, you are a fool.  Forewarned is forearmed.

Also, Covid 19 is now over, courtesy of the new shiny object (i.e., Ukraine).  The CDC is now forgiven of all sins and Fauci is off the hook.  SNL was chosen to be the front-runner on this one:  

Funny how that works.  BTW, also ignore gas and grocery prices, the southern border, Biden/Pelosi/Kerry/Romney family business in Ukraine, and any other financial matters that affect you directly.  That stuff is none of your business.  

BTW, just curious, but is Jen Psaki's natural hair color red?  Her eyebrows suggest otherwise.  Perhaps the contrast is instructive, her pursed lips notwithstanding:

You decide.



Bill Gates, Scientist Par Excellance

Hopefully, Bill Gates will get his nose out of science, public health and politics.  If not, Joe Rogan will help nudge him in that direction:

Bill Gates was a computer geek when young.  And he was good at it.  He made billions, like Zuckerberg in later years.  Good for them.  Hopefully they enjoy their wealth.  Life does offer compensation.  Still, they are nerds, and that's the downside.  One simply can't change who one is.  

I don't fault them for being nerds.  Nerd is just a word for people smarter than us in their chosen field.  I'll admit it.  They happened to end up on the cutting edge of technology, which some might call the right side of history.  I don't think Gates or Zuckerberg cares.  It was all about the Benjamins for them, as it would have been for me, had I been luckier or had different instincts in those young years.  That being said, even politicians are smarter than Gates or Zuckerberg and could impoverish them if they wanted or not depended on the donations.

In the final analysis, don't admire Gates and Zuckerberg.  Or Silicon Valley.  Or Wall Street wizards.  Or D.C. politicos.  They do well, but I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.  Neither have you.  Plus, they probably weren't the people you had fun with in high school.  I suspect many of the "fun folks" are still your friends and neighbors.  Count yourselves blessed.

No, this is not sour grapes.  It's just the way life is.  You find the banquet that best suits your tastes.


Safety First

The Department of Homeland Security always has your safety in mind.  Politics has nothing to do with it.  No, seriously.  They are not political at all.  Trust me on this one.  It's all about SAFETY.PERIOD.SAFETY.

You can never have enough SAFETY.  So if ever you find yourself under nuclear attack, take this sage DHS advice:

For details, go to this DHS website:

And, yes, these people not only get paid with taxpayer dollars, but they also get retirement and health plan benefits and a day off for every federal holiday, same as Congress...i.e., the harder you work, the better off they are.  It's good work if you can get it.

Ah, some might say, but federal employees pay taxes just like everyone else.  Okay, I say.  That's true.  They do pay taxes like the rest of us.  But let's go one step farther.  To make things even, let's hire every eligible citizen to work for the federal government.  That way everything works out equally for everyone, benefits included.  Equity, right?  But there's a catch.  If we do that, where would the money come from to pay everyone's wage or salary?  Do we just print it and hand it out?  Asking for a friend.

Maybe it's just me, and this could be a reach, but here's an additional heads up:  If there's a nuclear attack, I don't think masks or social distancing will help.  Cf. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Radiation and blast waves don't care about cloth masks or N95s.  Better to just bend over and kiss your....well, anyway, you know.

Sorry, folks, but you can't fix stupid, even at DHS.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

 A Bridge Too Far

According to the Trudeau administration in Canada, if you donate to the trucker convoy, you are funding domestic terrorism, which now means you can have your bank account frozen and your insurance cancelled, or so I understand.  And, yes, according to the new Chief of Police, Ottawa will be coming after those peaceful misfits for months to come.  What better way to teach citizens not to complain.  Social Credit Score is how it's known in modern jargon.  Tyranny is how it was known in days past.  "Shut up and obey" is the operative term.

Just yesterday, the Canadian House of Commons voted to maintain Trudeau's Emergency Order, even though the "emergency" in Ottawa has ended.  In fact, it ended before the House of Commons voted to extend it.  They have turned on their own citizens, and they aren't trying to hide it.  They stick it right in your grill.

Canada is now in uncharted territory.  Basically, the Trudeau government has declared that legal things you did two weeks ago, such as donating to the trucker convoy, are now declared illegal, and the illegality applies retroactively.  Thus, you now are a criminal.  Or, as Trudeau claims, you are a white supremacist terrorist, provided you ignore the Muslims, blacks and nativists in the crowd, plus the Mohawk woman who was trodden beneath the horse.  Your checking account may now be frozen.  Your benefits, too,  And your drivers license suspended.  After all, that's how we should treat all Nazi, fascist, racist white supremacists, whatever that means. Stop and let that sink in.

It reminds me of the late, great P.J. O'Rourke:

The gloves are off.  The ruling elites have decided this is the hill they aim to die on.  Their Great Reset is at stake.  I don't blame them for their high anxiety.  Folks didn't think much about it in the past, but Canadian truckers have reminded us of some fundamental truths.  Such as these:

First, politicians rule only by the consent of the governed.  If consent is withheld, political power dissipates.  It's like being a military general with no troops to command.  Trudeau's advisors are starting to see the fix they're in.  They keep doubling down on stupid.  They now resort to intimidation and threats, i.e. raw power.

Second, modern economies cannot survive without farmers, truckers, plumbers, electricians, nurses, sanitation workers, service technicians and all those other "little people" who make the economy work.  Forget about Hollywood and Silicon Valley and Wall Street and D.C. for a moment.  Or Ottawa.  Just think about the "little people" you depend on to make your life function.  They are the ones who really control the future.  They aren't so "little," after all, are they?  I suggest pollsters start calling them exclusively when trying to gauge the popularity of political decisions.  As one of my children mused decades ago as a first-grader on his way to school, "If everyone in the world dies, who's going to fix my breakfast?"  Good question.

Third, if people are willing to take risks in large enough numbers, and make sacrifices and "Just Say No," i.e., be ungovernable, what exactly can the ruling class do about it?  I'm not recommending anarchy.  That helps no one.  I'm just saying we should pay attention to the Canadian truckers.  The world has noticed and has begun to act accordingly.

Canadian truckers have re-defined the meaning of "lockdown."  Anthony Fauci should pay attention.  

Meanwhile, I plan to make another donation.