First Things First
Okay, it's time for me to kick it back in gear. There's a chance Trump will run again in 2024. I'm in. Plus, my friend Mike asked why I wasn't blogging anymore. I didn't have a good answer. So, I'm back. I aim to continue until Trump is re-elected. Then I may quit again, thanks to the folks in Quantico. They are a pain the the ass. We'll see.
Now, on to the news. Here's all you need to know. Joe Biden is an ass. Always has been, always will be. That's what my smart friends say. Both of them. I genuinely am sorry that his son has a drug problem. I'm not kidding about this. It's tough sledding for any parent. It's obviously a slippery slope. Still, it doesn't pardon Joe for being a grifter par excellence his entire political career, an imitation of Bill and Hillary, except on a smaller scale, owing to Joe's stupidity, though I don't mean to drag Nancy Pelosi into the conversation, hag that she is. Anyway, Bill was always the smarter one, and Hillary the more cunning, which explains their success, but that's another story. Sweizer has already told it better than I could.
Let's face it. Joe and Jill aren't the sharpest pencils in the box. At least Obama could read a teleprompter and Michelle knew to keep her mouth shut most of the time. Call me a racist, sexist white nationalist supremacist, or any other "ist" you please, but if you do, it won't fix your stupidity. Laura Bush knew when to keep her mouth shut, as did Barbara Bush and Rosalyn Carter. In fact, name one famous quote from Harry Truman's wife, or Eisenhower's wife or Kennedy's. Their wives weren't elected and they knew as much. Same holds for Kamala's husband. Or Elena Kagan's husband. Oops, sorry about that, Elena. My auto-correct obviously isn't working. Still, save me the aspersions. Not that I care, but it will save you some breath. I'm retired. I don't care what you think.
The latest Durham pleading tells us all we need to know about the muh Trump-Russia collusion narrative circa 2015 to 2020. It was all orchestrated by Hillary and her minions, much as Trump said. The MSM chased that story breathlessly. Leslie Stahl is such an ass. And her MSM colleagues. Google it. Who listens to those fools anymore? Leslie and Bob Mueller are peas in a pod. Along with Anthony Fauci, Mr. you don't need masks, because they do no good against a respiratory virus, or maybe you need masks, two or more, plus two vaxxes and maybe a booster or two, my profits notwithstanding, even if the clot shots don't last more than a few months and don't really protect you from anything, provided we can flatten the curve in two weeks, or maybe two years, if you're stupid enough to believe me, so roll up your sleeve. Yes, that guy. What buffoons they are.
I'm so happy I live in Florida. We have Ron DeSantis as Governor. This guy is an ex-athlete and has his head screwed on right. I sure hope he gets re-elected.
Anyway, speaking of the intelligence community, the term is an oxymoron. These people are not intelligent. They may score well on tests, but they have no common sense. Trust me on this one. They are dumb as bricks. The guy at Georgia Tech is a case in point. His minions, too. Here's the NBC version. They do their best to cover the tracks, but I don't think they have read Durham's report very carefully. How Joffee and his colleagues stayed hidden so long is beyond me. They were good at what they did, but dumb as bricks, I tell 'ya. Durham found them? And they're the smart ones? Yeah, right.
Come back, Shane Trump. We need four more years. Anyway, that's my screed for today.
This is my opening salvo. There will be more.