Monday, February 28, 2022

 RACISM, 2022

If you thought another event couldn't fit into the racist narrative, you would be wrong.  

Pigs in slop aren't driven away easily.  One NYTimes writer now has the Russia-Ukraine conflict in her sights and, yes, it's (sigh) another sign of pandemic RACISM!!!  How else to describe white Russians conflicting with white Ukranians other than further proof of racism?

You think I'm joking, but I'm not.

The founder of the 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, aka Ida Bae Wells, has this to say, and she "really, really" means it: 

Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them. Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.
I'm going to start a thread of these incidents of insidious racism in the media coverage of the Ukrainian crisis, because I've just been seeing so damn many.
And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.

I wish I was making this up, but I'm not.

Her's is not a mental illness...or an ideology.  It's just a way to make money, plain and simple.  Narratives help.  I promise you, she goes home and lives as normally as you and I.  Then she wakes up and goes to work.  Her type understands how the system works.  And she feeds off of  it.  You pimp the narrative and take the paycheck.  Ida Bae is turning a trick.  Otherwise, how does one make sense of her nonsense?

She's just another example of "you can't fix stupid."