Friday, October 19, 2018

Trump Turns Democrat Angst Up To 11

Next month's election will be fun.

Democrats in Congress and on America's coasts are experiencing an existential crisis.  Hysteria runs rampant.  We're two years in and counting.  Desperation has set in.  Maxine Waters encourages violence.  Kamala Harris and Cory Booker imagine themselves as front-runners in 2020.  Hillary Clinton claims that civility is not merited and Elizabeth Warren checked her DNA.  Oy, veh.  It's getting tiresome.  But, still, it's funny.

These folks assumed since 2008 that their side had won, permanently.  They assumed the Republican party is dead.  They assumed that no one except "crazies" would oppose the progressive agenda.  The bitter clingers and deplorables were supposed to lose.  Everyone to the right of progressives was assumed to be radical, alt-insane, pure scum and worthy of public scorn.  Hence, their mania.

Then a miracle happened.  Against the alleged inevitable tide of history, America got "woke."  It wasn't that America was there for Trump.  It was that Trump was there for them.

Elections have consequences.  2010.  2012.  2014.  Landslide victories for Republicans at both the state and congressional level.  Then came Trump.  Accidental?  No.  It was a red wave of monumental significance.  Except to Democrats in Congress and on the coasts.  They weren't worried by any of it.  After all, they had Hillary warming up in the bullpen.  And open borders ... with illegal immigrants being bused to many key voting districts around the U.S.  And motor voter laws in effect, or coming into effect.  Don't think this strategy was a last minute ploy.  Plans were made in advance.  Plus, verbal agreements were in place for a climate accord in Paris, a nuclear deal with Iran, and a trade deal in the Pacific.  Once those were in place, it was time for the fat lady to sing.  Trump was nothing more to them than a voice crying in the wilderness (Isa. 40:3).  It was a cinch that Democrats would rule Washington for a lifetime or two, maybe forever.  That's my take on it.

So don't be surprised by the manic screeds of miscreants on the alt-left, including Antifa.  At worst, they are a fraction of a minority, a pimple on an elephant's hind leg, no matter how often they are magnified by the MSM.  They assumed they could re-invent America.  Folks much smarter than them assumed they could prevent Trump's election, or prevent his inauguration, or drive him from office.  Destiny was in their hands ... until it wasn't.

It's two years now and running.  The anarchists and bellyachers and their allies in Washington have failed at every turn.  Trump owns them.  And he will prevail.  November 6 is right around the corner.  I'll say now what I said before November 8, 2016Trump's got this one.  Watch and see.  You won't be disappointed on November 6, 2018.  Afterwards will come the echo of the prophet Amos:

Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream.  (Amos 5:24)

Donald J. Trump doesn't suffer fools for long.  And he is no fool himself.  Plus, he has a strong counter-punch.  Congressional Democrats know as much.  Hence, their angst.  He owns the lot of them.

Let's compare notes on November 7.

In the meantime, vote like your future depends on it.  It does.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Welcome to Crazyville

Well, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged finally meets George Orwell's 1984.  Within a day of Andrew Cuomo announcing that America has never been great, Senator Elizabeth Warren insists that any company with a market cap over $1 billion should be nationalized

Here's a snippet:

Under Senator Warren’s proposal, no business with more than $1 billion in revenue would be permitted to legally operate without permission from the federal government. The federal government would then dictate to these businesses the composition of their boards, the details of internal corporate governance, compensation practices, personnel policies, and much more. Naturally, their political activities would be restricted, too. Senator Warren’s proposal entails the wholesale expropriation of private enterprise in the United States, and nothing less. It is unconstitutional, unethical, immoral, irresponsible, and — not to put too fine a point on it — utterly bonkers. 

Of course, that snippet is from the National Review, definitely a conservative source.  And I'm not a fan of the National Review.  Let's turn instead to Senator Warren's own website, where we find this excerpt from her proposal:

  • Requires very large American corporations to obtain a federal charter as a "United States corporation," which obligates company directors to consider the interests of all corporate stakeholders: American corporations with more than $1 billion in annual revenue must obtain a federal charter from a newly formed Office of United States Corporations at the Department of Commerce. The new federal charter obligates company directors to consider the interests of all corporate stakeholders - including employees, customers, shareholders, and the communities in which the company operates. This approach is derived from the thriving benefit corporation model that 33 states and the District of Columbia have adopted and that companies like Patagonia, Danone North America, and Kickstarter have embraced with strong results.

Hmm.  A "United States corporation," eh?  And one that cares nothing about profits from their investment?  Or investors such as retirement fund managers?  Yeah, that'll fix things.  Now return to your seat beside Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.

Stage left is Bernie Sanders, drooling over Sen. Warren's proposal.  He is Ellsworth Toohey in Ayn Rand's 1943 novel, Fountainhead.

You know you're in trouble when your base is reduced to the Truly Stupid.  As in:

... Our new campaign strategy is confiscation of wealth.  We will decide whose wealth must be confiscated.  One billion sounds like a good number.  Anyway, we politicians can spend their money more wisely than they can.  We don't need no stinkin' capital re-investment.  More jobs?  Shareholder profits?  Pfft.  We want your money, and we want it now.

Moreover, we have just been informed by one of our judicial betters that Donald Trump is legally bound to obey precedent, not by law and the Constitution, but by the executive order of his predecessor, Barack Obama, whose order somehow takes priority over Trump's executive order, as per the judge, even though executive orders are subjective interpretations of the meaning and intent of the law. 

I get it.  One interpretation may be better than another.  But, still, if an executive order isn't contrary to the meaning of the law or the Constitution itself, how do you decree that one interpretation is more accurate than another?  Ten degrees southeast or ten degrees southwest?  It's hard to say when the law says "head south."  That's where judicial activism comes in. 

I don't necessarily blame the judiciary.  When Congress refuses to enact sensible laws, or amend ambiguous laws, the judiciary has little choice but to act as the arbiter between Congress, the Executive branch, the public and the Constitution that empowers them all.  On the other hand, not all judges are equal.  They, too, are human, all too human.  Such are the imperfections of organized society.  That's why your vote matters, as do existing laws and the Constitution.


Meanwhile, things have nowhere to go but up in the Democrat stronghold of Chicago.  What a wasteland on the South Side and adjacent areas, and so sad for those who lack the means to live elsewhere.  The rat-a-tat of gunfire seems to be a daily refrain in Chicago, given the statistics

The latest murder is sobering.  The poor guy was strangled, stabbed, burned alive and run over by a vehicle.  And he was a high-school student:

CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar reports the horrific final moments for a Chicago teen, police say, killed by peers his own age. Friends of Guerrero say he moved to West Chicago from Mexico in fifth grade. They describe him as a good friend and student.
“I’m extremely sad to know that he had to suffer so much because he was burned alive,” said Jose Ramirez, a friend of Guerrero.
Police say 18-year-old Francisco Alvarado and 16-year-old Tia Brewer, a former girlfriend, met the victim at the library where the pair allegedly strangled Guerrero with a belt, stabbed him several times in the neck, and then drove him to the field. Jesus Correa was also charged.
suspects teen brutally killed West Chicago Murder: Luis Guerrero Strangled, Stabbed, Run Over, Burned Alivejesus correa West Chicago Murder: Luis Guerrero Strangled, Stabbed, Run Over, Burned Alive


To top it off, Big Tech has decided to become our Big Brother, as per Brad Parscale in the Washington Examiner Apparently Big Tech doesn't like certain political viewpoints that conflict with its own, even of the non-dangerous variety.  Maybe they are not to blame.  After all, herding the internet is like herding cats.  That's their excuse, at least.

Still ... we should be leery of wolves in sheep's clothing.  Here's an excerpt:
This new Orwellian impulse that is taking over Big Tech is particularly problematic because social media websites, which are supposed to be safe spaces for all free speech, get special legal perks.
Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, websites such as Facebook and Twitter are not treated as publishers of “information provided by another” — which would subject them to libel laws and other headaches publishers have to deal with — because they “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.”
This means social media platforms are not merely private companies who can censor whomever they wish — They are considered, by law, to be public forums that allow free and open debate.
This problem will need to be worked out in civil court.

This pic, from some site called The Patriot Post, highlights the deep divide in American culture:
When this guy starts looking like this guy, you know it might be time for a change in Florida:
In related news, here comes the dog whistle, as Mini-Me vouches for Dr. Evil.  I guess Susan Rice hopes John Brennan will stand in the breach for her and her former White House colleagues, all of whom need protection at this point.  Maybe she's sending him a sweet but mindful message, swamp style:
Susan Rice
@JohnBrennan is an extraordinary patriot and professional. I’m deeply proud to call him a valued colleague and cherished friend. Those who diminish his service and patriotism, past and present, only denigrate themselves.
5:29 PM - Aug 15, 2018
Yeah, sure.

But, wait!  Joe Biden wants to chime in as well:

Joe Biden @JoeBiden
In the time I have known him, John Brennan has never been afraid to speak up and give it to you straight. Revoking his security clearance is an act unbecoming of a President. If you think it will silence John, then you just don't know the man.
4:06 PM - Aug 15, 2018
Now let's all turn to page 263 of our hymnal and sing together ...

Ugh.  Keep talking, Joe.  Stick with what you do poorly.

Lastly, haha.  I received an email notification from my blog platform sponsor, who feels the need to inform me that comments on my blog site need to be moderated.  I assume this is in response to off-color reactions.  If so, too funny, and shame on those who need moderation.  To anyone who spews ignorance and hate in the comments section, please be advised that I do not read them, good or bad.  You wasted your time.  I didn't waste mine.  If I pay attention to comments in the future, it only will be to block you.  I doubt I will.  I have better things to do.  Ignorance and hate eventually sow the seeds of their own dissolution.  Unless, of course, you're a Russian bot ... in which case ... Drumpf!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

For Those Who Love Transparency in Government

This is the kind of honesty and transparency in government we've been looking for.  God, how I love Mick Mulvaney:

Questions, please.  Ms. Elizabeth Warren, author of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, you may go first.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Looking Ahead to November, 2018

On election night in 2016, before the results were in, Michael Moore was interviewed by NBC.  You can watch it here.  NBC asked why he was predicting that Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania would break for Trump.  These were key swing states in the election.  They were supposed to be wins for Clinton on her way to the Presidency.

Moore disagreed.  He predicted that many of those voters -- who, as Moore insisted, were working-class people that have been so abused, attacked, and whose livelihoods were taken from them --  are:

so angry, and so full of so much depair, that I could see they were going to use the ballot box as an anger management exercise.  (Trump was their) human molotov cocktail that they could just throw into the system and blow it up, only to find out a month or two from now how regretful they will be ...

Well, shockingly, he got it right, except for that last clause.

Moore's rationale for his prediction on election night, 2016?  Easy.  Most of those voters had lost jobs over the past twenty years due to ridiculous trade deals, onerous regulations and tax policies that sent companies and jobs overseas, leaving the U.S manufacturing sector with large swaths of closed companies and unemployed Americans.  So what if foreign imports are cheaper?  The unemployed cannot afford them.  Or food, either.  Who cares about glass ceilings if you can't afford the basics?  Hillary and her acolytes never understood the equation.  It's the economy, stupid!

And, yes, politicians are often the dimmest bulbs in the ceiling.  Just see here, and here, and here.

A big middle finger to the glass ceiling is exactly what Rust Belt voters signaled on election night, 2016.  As did coal miners.  And cab drivers.  And others who fought hard, failed, and looked for a reason to rise again to their feet.  They were tired of losing.  They wanted a fighting chance to show what they could do ... to show that their lives mattered.  Trump represented them in spades.  He succeeded, magnificently, and as such was a magnet to those who aspired.  So they marched to the voting booth and cast their ballot.  They weren't opposed to women or glass ceilings.  Or to the privileges of wealth.  They just wanted a reason for being.  Trump offered them a reason worth striving for.  A reason that mattered.  He preached his sermon at every whistle-stop.  And listeners walked toward him afterwards, seeking salvation.  Billy Graham would be proud.

Miracle of miracles, Trump got elected on Nov. 8, 2016.  Afterwards, he began to deliver on his promises.  And he continues to deliver.  It's no wonder Democrats and the MSM hate him so much.  Many Republicans, too.  They prefer rhetoric over results, no matter how many jobs and opportunities get sacrificed along the way.  Vote for me, they say, and I'll fix the problems I created.  They assume you will ignore their hypocrisy.  Wall Street moguls feel the same.  Fortunately for them, they can hide behind the politicans who do their bidding.

Trump is their antithesis.  He prefers results over rhetoric.  Results such as jobs, reduced unemployment, pay raises, tax relief, investments in Main Street, and the re-discovery of the "forgotten man."  He has shown repeatedly that he is not a professional politician ... or a Wall Street puppet ... or a snitch for the thought police.  Does he know he is a marked man?  Of course he does.  They all hate him.  So he takes precautions.  We all should be grateful.

Trump's ascension to the Presidency makes a middle finger proud.  To quote the character aptly named Colonel Kilgore in Apocalypse Now,

love the smell of napalm in the morning

If you take that quote literally, please refer above to the Rust Belt's middle finger.  But, figuratively, it is the truth.  In the re-make of Apocalypse Now, Colonel Kilgore will be played by Donald Trump.  He laid devastating carpet bombs upon the enemy.  His adversaries never even heard the incoming.  And after laying waste to them, he set about rebuilding America, from the ground up and better than before.

Drop your personal MOAB in Nobember at the voting booth.

Make your vote count.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Democrats Have Chosen to Go Insane

Washington Democrats have gone from corrupt to insane.  I suppose it's a natural progression since the election of Donald Trump.  I'm not referring to friends of mine who are Democrats.  They are fine people who simply try to make sense of it all.  They struggle these days.

Instead, I'm referring to elected officials in Washington, and Democrat political wannabees around the country, who look for a post-Clinton platform on which to run.  There's nothing left, except to go radical, which they are doing, and they aim to drag centrist Democrats with them. 

But where are they dragging them? 

Towards the cliff, it appears.

After eight years of Obama, you can't claim you want to run on his track record if you want:

... a strong economy

... GDP growth

... a powerful U.S. dollar

... border control

... peace in the Middle East

... better relations with Russia, China, or North Korea

... more employment and jobs, job, jobs

... improved consumer confidence

... Wall Street investment in the U.S. economy

... support for small businesses

... less dependence on federal welfare subsidies due to new opportunities

... deregulation

... bureaucratic efficiency

... in effect, a Trumpian view of the future.

So where do you go if you are opposed to these things?   Toward the cliff, naturally.

Obama was a well-respected but very glib flop as President.  I think he's probably a nice guy.  I like his personality.  He also dressed well and said all the politically-correct things.  Problem is, that's not why he was elected, and the truth is, he accomplished little.  If you disagree, please cite his successes.  I genuinely would like to know.  Gay marriage?  Transgender bathrooms?  The transcendence of divisive politics?  Lower trade deficits?  Peace in Egypt or Syria or Libya?  The destruction of ISIS?  Improvements in the black community?  Or in the hispanic community?  Or for the average woman?  Or a decrease in problems at our southern border?  Or jobs, jobs, jobs and a pay increase?  Nyet.

He was always gauging the direction of the wind while deciding which way to evolve.  His BS meter never took a rest.  He was, if I may dub him such, our "feel good" President.  He never said anything wrong, despite having done so little right.

Seriously, I'm trying to be polite, but I can't think of any Obama accomplishments that matter, other than him being a likable guy.  He talked a good game, but he didn't play one.  He reminds me of a high school quarterback in my day -- a coach's son -- who could drop back to pass with perfect form but couldn't get the ball anywhere near his receivers.  Obama got to be the starting quarterback.  He gets credit for that.  And with no prior experience as a QB, which is astonishing.  But beyond that, he threw nothing but incompletions aside from a few swing passes.

So, if you're a die-hard Democrat, where do you go from here?  Hillary lost ... nearly two years ago.  She was Obama 2.0, but without his charisma and with extraordinary flaws.  Even the MSM couldn't protect her.  America rejected her.  It amazes me that some can't get over it.  Especially the MSM.

I guess once you've taken the pink pill, recovery is not likely.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

What's Up with the Darwin Awards?

I'm getting frustrated with The Darwin Awards website.  The website is dedicated to those with a penchant for self-destruction -- such as the drunk guy who decided to urinate on a power line from his perch atop a water tower.  You just knew that left a mark.

Problem is, the Awards Committee has been admitting some weak candidates lately:

For example, they offer this nominee:

MARCH 2018, ROMANIA || A 50-year-old man was hospitalized Saturday after taking home a projectile he found on the field outside his village, and pounded it with a hammer, causing an explosion.
That's lame.  I mean, who wouldn't pound on an artillery shell if they found one in their backyard?  Look, hon, an unexploded round of ammunition, almost a foot long.  Fetch my hammer.  I'll fix a drink and meet you at the picnic table.

What I don't understand is why the Darwin Committee has ignored California for over a decade.  Such as this astute young lady:

 ... and these two possible taxpayers who traveled out of state:

I'm not picking on California, per se.  I'm just complimenting it for being talent-rich, much like my home state in the southeastern U.S.

I'll let Lewis Grizzard explain.  He was one of the southeast's most intrepid analysts:

We're all just one decision away....

Eric Holder's Cousin Red-Pilled?

She looks too young to be Eric Holder's cousin.  Plus, I don't do Twitter.  Color me skeptical.  Still:

“I am..the cousin to former US Attorney General Eric Holder. I walked away from my parent's political vote Republican by my own choice. My parents were hardcore voting Democrats but everything they did was based upon Republican principles.” - Babette Holder

If you find that this is a parody account, pls let me know.

The News Has Always Been Partisan

Just so you know, early newspapers in the U.S. were just as politically partisan as our news outlets are today, if not moreso.  Same with their political cartoons.   Such as those who resented Andrew Jackson's "tyrannical" effort to eliminate the Bank of the United States in 1834.  The U.S. Bank in those years was the cousin of today's Federal Reserve, a mis-named piggy-bank for politician's who could borrow money from private lenders as long as they paid interest on the debt.  The interest, of course, was owed by taxpayers.  Jackson didn't like that set-up.  He aimed to abolish it.  His political opponents, through their news outlets, took aim and fired, suggesting he was worse than the King of England, against whom Jackson himself had fought:


... much as today's NYTimes, in a crude and hypocritical slam at homosexuals, takes aim at Donald Trump and his alleged bromance with Vladimir Putin.  It's sickening, even by today's standards, but nonetheless typical of political news-speak over the centuries:

Pick your news carefully, pilgrim, 'cause there are many out for your scalp.

Many of those old newspapers, newsletters and serial pamphlets died out for lack of circulation and are lost to history.  But those that have been archived are a window to the past.  Politics were as lively in those days as they are today.  They knew the best way to sway opinion was by circulating the news.  Partisan news, at that.  Today it's called propaganda.  Or ideology.  Some things never change.  That's why I support competition in a free market.  There's no better way to judge the sentiment of a people than by one's paying audience.

If you are interested in old newspapers and have time to explore, I suggest you start here, at Readex.  Why Readex?  No particular reason, except I did some snooping and came across it.  I wasn't looking for an aggregation site.

The DOJ and FBI Have Re-Defined "Circle Jerk"

The redacted FISA Court approvals to spy on the Trump campaign (via Carter Page) have been released to the public.  And, yes, the DOJ/FBI rationale for requesting the approval re-defines the meaning of "circle jerk."

Information flowing into the FBI from the State Department, Fusion GPS, DOJ, Christopher Steele, John McCain, Harry Reid, John Brennan and various outraged media outlets all came from -- wait for it --  a SINGLE SOURCE, namely, former British spy Christopher Steele himself, whose dossier was certified by the FBI and DOJ but never verified by them.  Nonetheless, the FBI/DOJ took that "gossip" (otherwise known in the industry at "opposition research") to the secretive FISA Court and got approval to spy on the Donald Trump campaign from October, 2016 to September, 2017.

Let me put it this way:

"Your Honor, 
We do not have any verified evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign colluded in any way with the Russian government regarding the 2016 election, but standing with me today is a detective who has won numerous awards in law enforcement.  Three or four times he won the 'Outstanding Sheriff of the Week Award.'  He reports that Donald Trump hired Russian prostitutes to pee on a bed in Moscow.  He claims the information comes from sources who have friends that have relatives who work at the hotel in Moscow where the peeing occurred, though he doesn't know who they are.  But he definitely heard about it from someone, which we believe makes it true.  And we are the pre-eminent law enforcement agency in the world.
We feel you also should know we cut ties with the award-winning law enforcement officer recently because he proved to be unreliable.  Long story short, he lied to us about peddling this same information to the media, which is a no-no in our clandestine line of work. 
Still, we believe the law enforcement officer's claim about the bed incident (and other stuff) must be true based on his prior credibility, plus those awards he won on previous occasions, even though we had to cut him loose for misleading us.  Plus, media outlets who spoke with the law enforcement officer and got the same report we did have reported on the same thing he told us.  That's independent verification, right?  You know, what with rules of evidence and probable cause and all that other legal stuff.
Therefore, may we please spy on the Donald Trump campaign, using all the tools of our national intelligence agencies to assist us.  The election is but weeks away.  I assure you we will find a crime if you'll just give us the authority to look anywhere we please.
If we might add, Your Honor, and as you must know, everybody is guilty of at least three felonies.  It's our job to find one of them.  I'm confident we can and I'm sure we will.  We never spy on innocent people. 
Your approval will further the cause of justice and protect our country.  
Please be assured that everything we claim has been verified and certified for accuracy, as per our signatures. 
Plus, Trump sucks.
Yours truly,  
The FBI and DOJ.

That's it in a nutshell, folks.

Let that sink in.

Friday, July 20, 2018

This 'N That, Friday Edition

Ah.  Dreaming about the weekend:


Here's some honest reporting by CBS News, a forgotten art in so many newsrooms today.  It occurred quite serendipitously, as you will see:

CBS also recently was granted an interview with President Trump, which you know boosted their ratings.



If you haven't seen this video yet, it's the feel-good story of the week.  Kleenex alert.  Your eyes may fog up:


The media meltdown over Trump's recent summit with Putin is something to behold.  Imbecilic.  Insidious!  Treacherous!  Seditious!  Resign now!  Impeach him!  Hang him!  These are the same folks who yearned for a more civil tone in public discourse... and blamed Sarah Palin's phraseology for several shootings ... and insisted that Obama was not divisive.  Oh, well.  That was then.  Those were the days when Obama could tell Russia's Medvedev on a hot mic that he would "have more flexibility (with Putin) after the election," and the media didn't care.

Unfortunately for the MSM, a recent Gallup Poll revealed that the "muh Russia" issue registers somewhere below 1% -- less than a single percentage point! -- in the American public's list of priorities.  You'll find the full report on Gallup's website here.  Here's a snippet:

The reason for all these media histrionics?  Well, here's a partial answer:

View image on Twitter

Meanwhile, did you listen to the broadcast of Trump's Cabinet meeting on Wednesday?

Among other things, he's looking to combine the Department of Education and the Department of Labor into a single entity -- the Department of Education and Workforce Training.  Such a move will cut overhead, cut out ideological indoctrination, help eliminate waste and help mobilize tomorrow's workforce.

Granted, these are not new ideas, per se.  But Trump is creating an economy that can make these efforts worthwhile.  It's a shame so many despise him for making it happen.

Nonetheless, I foresee a rise in trade schools, apprenticeship programs, education-business partnerships, higher education reform, federal education grant reform, and prison-to-work programs, just to name a few, and this time with a growing economy that will make the programs viable.

In Trump's vision for America, it's less important to teach first-graders about polymorphous gender identity and more important to insure they are trained for productive living.  In other words, first learn to fish and hunt.  Work on your personal issues in your off-time, rather than the other way-around.  I think Obama and his staff wrestled with a lot of unresolved personal-identity conflicts, which they projected onto the rest of America.  Hence, the disconnect from America during his years in office.

Trump is not just a billionaire real estate mogul and later a #1 television show savant.  He also is a social media genius.  A single tweet from him will keep the media chasing their tails for three days.  Then he tweets again.  Gargle, rinse, repeat.  The media punditry are such predictable lapdogs.  Meanwhile, he gets work done.  It's fun to watch.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The New Face of the Democrat Party

Coyotes who smuggle migrants illegally through Mexico into the U.S. often leave behind "trophy trees."

They also are known as "rape trees."

Rape Tree

Those who advocate open borders are only encouraging more of this.  I doubt the victims' screams were even audible outside the stash houses and camp sites along the way.  You can read about it here.

Now you know what Trump was talking about during the 2016 Presidential primaries when he referred to rapists and drug smugglers coming across the border from Mexico.

So what was my relevant point?

Oh, yes.  Today's Democrats and their vision for tomorrow.

Tom Perez, head of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), recently announced that 28 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York City is "the future of our Party."  Trust me, he doesn't really mean it.  But he and his cronies are bereft of any better ideas.

Young Ms. Ocasio-Cortez just primaried her Democrat opponent in New York City and likely will win against her Republican opponent in the November election for New York's 14th congressional district.  It's a reliably Democrat district.

She brands herself a Democrat Socialist.  "Centrist" Democrats apparently are passe.  They can thank Bernie Sanders for that.  And their own party's corruption, highlighted by the Clintons and their ilk, just as Republicans can thank their own party -- and Hillary Clinton -- for Donald J. Trump.

Anyway, let's explore what this "new face of the Democrat Party" looks like.

Here's Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's view on illegal immigration:

“Our nation is in a moral crisis,” said Ocasio-Cortez in response to a question about why she went to the border just three days before the primary election.
“We have to have a rapid response,” she said. “And I think every day that we go on, especially a day when something that heinous happens, we have to occupy all of it. We need to occupy every airport. We need to occupy every border. We need to occupy every ICE office until those kids are back with their parents, period.”
Note:  By "heinous," she does not mean "trophy trees" or "rape trees."  She's talking about children who are separated at the border from adults who claim to be their parents or relatives but can offer no proof, which requires investigation at U.S. taxpayer expense, what with the apparent amount of incest (rape trees, trophy trees) that occurs on the journey by alleged parents and relatives.

Incest and rape aren't the primary concern of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.  She's more concerned that teens and young children not be separated from, perhaps, the very people responsible for "trophy trees" and "rape trees."  How do you know until you investigate?  You don't.  So you investigate.  ICE investigates.  And until they know otherwise, they protect the children from predators.  Naturally, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez blames ICE for this dilemma.  And she cites ICE as evidence that Trump is a fascist.  Yep.  That's what you find in her brain.  Fortunately, only she lives there.

So let's continue with her righteous screed.  She can tell you in her own words:
“We have to show people that we’re willing to walk the walk,” she said.
She called the Trump presidency “rising fascism” and said “we need to be ready to drop everything and go straight to LaGuardia airport. We need to be ready to drop everything and go straight to our local ICE agency.”
There you have it.  Go to the mattresses ... er ... the airports to stop fascism and fix the problem of illegal migration.

Hmm.  Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea.  Let me help.  Perhaps hit the major airports first.  LaGuardia, Orlando, Miami, O'Hare, Houston, and L.A. for starters.  Cause serious disruption in order to make your point.  Delay flights.  Crowd the entrances.  Shout over the flight announcements.  Make it difficult for travelers to reach their terminals on time.  In fact, coordinate to hit them during summer vacation, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Simply brilliant!!!  I'm sure travelers of all stripes will jump on your bandwagon then.

Yes, folks, that's the strategy of the "new face of the Democrat Party."  Forget about your summer trip to the beach, or visiting your aging parents in Minnesota for the holidays.  She thinks we need to make your air travel a living hell.  That'll get the ball rolling in the right direction.  A winning strategy, for sure.  Who wouldn't vote for that kind of misery?

Still, I think someone should ask her about those trophy trees.  And if she might volunteer for an unsupervised trip with the next batch of migrants on their journey to the U.S.  I'm sure the coyotes would love her company, but I pray she would never be so foolish.  I don't wish ill upon her.  She can be forgiven for claiming to know more than she does.  After all, she is young and full of un-raped ideas.  She is also dangerously ignorant.

Not to pick on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez further, but, what with her being the new face of the Democrat Party, a little more scrutiny may be needed.  Such as scrutiny into her concern for Palestinians vis-a-vis the Arab-Israeli conflict.

She claimed that Israeli Defense Forces were mass-murdering civilians in Palestine.

That's a serious accusation and, if true, a matter of international concern.

The PBS show Firing Line recently had her on for an interview.  After all, she is the attractive new doll of the Democrat party, a rarity.  And pretty she is.  But that's irrelevant.

The subject of Israeli-Palestinian relations was raised by PBS host Margaret Hoover.  Ms. Hoover chose not to challenge the marginally-coherent response of her guest.  Otherwise, it would have been embarrassing.  Here's a snippet:

Ocasio-Cortez: Well, yes, but I also think that what people are starting to see in the occupation of Palestine is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian conditions and that to me is just where I tend to come from on this issue.
Margaret Hoover: You use the term the “occupation of Palestine,” what did you mean by that?
Ocasio-Cortez: Oh, I think, what I meant is that the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to housing and homes.
Hoover: Do you think you can expand on that?
Ocasio-Cortez: Yeah I think … [laughing] I am not the expert on geo-politics on this issue. You know, for me, I’m a firm believer in finding a two-state solution in this issue. And I’m happy to sit down with leaders on both of these… for me, I just look at things through a human rights lens, and I may not use the right words– I know this is a very intense issue.
Hmm.  Yeah.  Sure.  Whatever that means.  Have you ever thought of being a Miss America contestant?

Should someone have mentioned to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez that Israeli's are not settling in, or attempting to occupy, Palestine?  In fact, the Israeli government forcibly relocated all Jews out of the Gaza Strip (her reference to "Palestine?") in 2005 as part of the peace process.  Ms. Ocasio-Cortez would have been only 15 at the time, so I don't expect her to know.  

That Turks and Ottomans once occupied the territory called Palestine (which includes modern day countries such as Israel) is also a matter of historical fact.  

That there has never been a nation-state named Palestine is also an historical fact. 

That no 20th century country (Egypt, for instance) ever claimed that territory as part of it's political state is also an historical fact.

Yet facts seem irrelevant to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez.  It's about "human rights," she insists, though which humans and which rights are undefined.  Or not.  I can't tell.  Ask her.

You can go the The Federalist for more on this.  

The bottom line:  In her PBS interview, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez couldn't get her facts straight and finally had to admit that actually she's quite ignorant on the subject.  I suggest she stick to things like blogging and talking around the supper table rather than swimming in deep waters.  The sharks in those waters are as ruthless as coyotes in the desert.

New face of the Democrats, huh?  Good luck with that.