Saturday, July 28, 2018

Looking Ahead to November, 2018

On election night in 2016, before the results were in, Michael Moore was interviewed by NBC.  You can watch it here.  NBC asked why he was predicting that Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania would break for Trump.  These were key swing states in the election.  They were supposed to be wins for Clinton on her way to the Presidency.

Moore disagreed.  He predicted that many of those voters -- who, as Moore insisted, were working-class people that have been so abused, attacked, and whose livelihoods were taken from them --  are:

so angry, and so full of so much depair, that I could see they were going to use the ballot box as an anger management exercise.  (Trump was their) human molotov cocktail that they could just throw into the system and blow it up, only to find out a month or two from now how regretful they will be ...

Well, shockingly, he got it right, except for that last clause.

Moore's rationale for his prediction on election night, 2016?  Easy.  Most of those voters had lost jobs over the past twenty years due to ridiculous trade deals, onerous regulations and tax policies that sent companies and jobs overseas, leaving the U.S manufacturing sector with large swaths of closed companies and unemployed Americans.  So what if foreign imports are cheaper?  The unemployed cannot afford them.  Or food, either.  Who cares about glass ceilings if you can't afford the basics?  Hillary and her acolytes never understood the equation.  It's the economy, stupid!

And, yes, politicians are often the dimmest bulbs in the ceiling.  Just see here, and here, and here.

A big middle finger to the glass ceiling is exactly what Rust Belt voters signaled on election night, 2016.  As did coal miners.  And cab drivers.  And others who fought hard, failed, and looked for a reason to rise again to their feet.  They were tired of losing.  They wanted a fighting chance to show what they could do ... to show that their lives mattered.  Trump represented them in spades.  He succeeded, magnificently, and as such was a magnet to those who aspired.  So they marched to the voting booth and cast their ballot.  They weren't opposed to women or glass ceilings.  Or to the privileges of wealth.  They just wanted a reason for being.  Trump offered them a reason worth striving for.  A reason that mattered.  He preached his sermon at every whistle-stop.  And listeners walked toward him afterwards, seeking salvation.  Billy Graham would be proud.

Miracle of miracles, Trump got elected on Nov. 8, 2016.  Afterwards, he began to deliver on his promises.  And he continues to deliver.  It's no wonder Democrats and the MSM hate him so much.  Many Republicans, too.  They prefer rhetoric over results, no matter how many jobs and opportunities get sacrificed along the way.  Vote for me, they say, and I'll fix the problems I created.  They assume you will ignore their hypocrisy.  Wall Street moguls feel the same.  Fortunately for them, they can hide behind the politicans who do their bidding.

Trump is their antithesis.  He prefers results over rhetoric.  Results such as jobs, reduced unemployment, pay raises, tax relief, investments in Main Street, and the re-discovery of the "forgotten man."  He has shown repeatedly that he is not a professional politician ... or a Wall Street puppet ... or a snitch for the thought police.  Does he know he is a marked man?  Of course he does.  They all hate him.  So he takes precautions.  We all should be grateful.

Trump's ascension to the Presidency makes a middle finger proud.  To quote the character aptly named Colonel Kilgore in Apocalypse Now,

love the smell of napalm in the morning

If you take that quote literally, please refer above to the Rust Belt's middle finger.  But, figuratively, it is the truth.  In the re-make of Apocalypse Now, Colonel Kilgore will be played by Donald Trump.  He laid devastating carpet bombs upon the enemy.  His adversaries never even heard the incoming.  And after laying waste to them, he set about rebuilding America, from the ground up and better than before.

Drop your personal MOAB in Nobember at the voting booth.

Make your vote count.

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