Monday, July 9, 2018

Those Were the Days

I'm depressed.  Why?  Because Washington Democrats have lost their entertainment value and now have entered the realm of the utterly absurd.  It's a shame.  I feel the loss deeply.  They were so much fun for a while.

I remember the good old days.  Who can forget when Obama claimed he would drive down the cost of healthcare by an average of $2,500 per family, plus lower the sea level and regulate the sun at no extra charge?  What a hoot.  Or let you keep your doctor and your existing insurance coverage?  The punch lines came fast and furious.  And he always did it with a straight face.  No smidgen of evidence that the IRS targeted Tea Party groups?  Law enforcement is always the guilty party?  The guy was comedy gold.  And don't forget Hillary telling us how she dodged enemy fire in Bosnia ... and Chuck Schumer explaining to the nation how open borders would be the ruin of our country ... and Clinton assuring us that there was never any classified information on her private email server.  Or even two years ago, during the 2016 presidential primary campaign, when Bernie supporters thought their contributions to the DNC actually would be shared with Bernie Sanders?  Too rich.  And, of course, Muh Russia, which is still getting laughs.  Hahaha.  Who needed comic strips back then?  We had the NYTimes and WaPo at our fingertips.  Plus the MSM.  And Debbie Wasserman Schultz on CNN and MSNBC.  Not to mention Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, Rachael Maddow and the Young Turks, especially in the run-up to the 2016 election.  It's just so difficult to fit them all in.  Gosh, how I miss those days.

Now look at what's happened.  I didn't think we were supposed to take Washington Democrats seriously.  In fact, I thought they wanted us to laugh along, which I did, religiously.  Turns out, they weren't joking.  Now they are mad.  Real mad.  Fleck-spittle mad.  Even wild-eyed.  You can only imagine how dumb that made me look.  Their 2016 theatrical transition from comedy to high drama caught me off guard at first.  I couldn't understand what I had missed in the transition.  Naturally, after listening to them vent their spleens for a while, I began to blame myself, not only for being insensitive and uncaring, but also for being male and/or American and unlettered in outre subjects.  So don't think you were the only one.  It was #metoo.  Then I realized what they were doing, and I smiled once again.  It was all a joke.  Like establishment Republicans, they didn't really mean it.  They never transitioned from comedy to high drama at all.  Rather, they simply shifted from farce to ironical comedy.  It's a subtle shift, but not a genre change.  More like a linguistic inflection, much like a bagel is something you eat with lox up north and an animal you hunt with down south.  Delivery is the key.

I'll admit, Washington Democrats delivered the message well.  I was fooled in the beginning.  Until I figured out what they were doing, I was bewildered.  Doubt crept in.  The skies darkened as clouds of self-loathing loomed above.  Might the fault lie with moi for not wearing a pink hat or a black mask and uniform?  Reality blurred.  I began to hate my employer for paying me an agreeable wage, just as I hated myself for working.  I found myself asking, What's the point of my employer making a profit off my labor?  That's ... FASCISM or something.  I should quit and stop feeding my family.  Or else break the windows in someone's car.

Then the scales miraculously fell off my eyes, rays of sunlight beamed down, and once again I saw the humor of it all.  Washington Democrats were just pulling my leg.  They really didn't mean it.  They didn't exactly wink at me, but I knew they would if they could.  I could now sit back and enjoy the show again, relieved to know that my grievances were as legitimate as anyone else's.  Well done, I say.  You almost got me on that one.  A true encore performance.  And, yes, you shall receive the credit you are due.  Your spiel is actually funnier this time around than the last.  I'm entertained anew.  Indeed, I love ironical comedy most of all.  Such as in Meet the Fokkers, starring Robert DeNiro.  I still laugh at that guy, especially these days.  What a clown.  And to think I doubted you.  I have a tendency to think some people are extraordinarily stupid.  It's a weakness of mine.  I apologize.

So here's to you, you geniuses of ironical comedy.  Keep it up.  Whatever it is you're smoking, have another toke, 'cause it's working.  Laughter is up to 8.0 on the Richter Scale. The following video came from InfoWars, which I don't watch, but I found this on YouTube and it humored me, as it may you.  It's entertainment, folks:

If only these people knew how to smile.  Crying over Hillary Clinton is a waste of tears.  Even Hillary knows that much.  She would never cry over you.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

For my readers in Germany (of which I have a couple), here's the moral of the story:  Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten.

Roughly translated into English, it means I'm laughing better than ever.

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