Saturday, July 7, 2018

When Words Just Won't Do

Antifaschistishe Aktion -- a movement that began among German communists who opposed Adolph Hitler's Democratic Socialism in the 1930s -- has now gained a toe-hold in the U.S., particularly in university cities.  It's now communist v. socialist all over again, though few of today's anti-fascists can define either term, much less fascism itself, though they sure as hell are opposed to it!  Ah, to be ill-informed.  In some ways, I miss the innocence of youthful ignorance.  Thank God we have professors who still teach these wayward ideas.  Otherwise, what would I do for entertainment?

All I can say is:  Welcome, Antifa, to the home of descendants of the rugged American frontier.  Sorry you were so late getting here.  By way of advance notice, please be prepared to defend yourself, 'cause most of those who couldn't defend themselves in this country died off long agoIt wasn't pretty.

Any social group that has ever ended up in this country has had to fight their way out and up.  Just study the history of America.  Start with indigenous native Americans and work your way forward to Calvinists, Catholics, Irish, Swedes, Jews, Chinese, West Africans and Hispanics of all stripes.  Most all the folks who ended up here had a brutal go of it, some more than others, and their descendants know how to fight.  Those who couldn't were usually flushed out of the gene pool.  I didn't establish those rules, but I have noticed them.  Their descendants are a hearty lot, even in our poorest urban areas.  So choose your fights carefully, all you Antifa youngsters.  As an Irish ancestor once asked, Is this a private fight, or can anyone join in?  Yes, that's how Americans roll.  It's in their blood.  They are peaceful, but they are not pacifists by heritage.  Indeed, if you stir up too much trouble, they may find themselves drawn to you like moths to a lightbulb.  Call it an American instinct.

But, alas, some folks have no sense of American history.  Such as the anti-gun folks.  And the speech police.  Yes, I digress, though hopefully I will offend at least a few of the speech monitors in the room.

Antifa now shows up and thinks they can scare ordinary citizens simply by virtue of their masks, black outfits, vulgarity, and the ability to break stuff.  All they are doing is angering their adversary, who is bigger and stronger and holds a Ph.D. from the Historical School of Hard Knocks.  It's not wise to poke the bear too hard lest you are fleet of foot.  Owning a pair of NIKE's does not guarantee success.

As we have seen too often with Hamas in Palestine, these Antifa tough guys hide behind women and raise baseball bats in the background, shoulder-to-shoulder with other masked bro's who throw bricks and M-80s from their safe space, or else shout vulgarities on a par with the women who lead them.  Yeah, that'll teach the other side, I suppose.  I think most Antifa members have played one too many video games or spent one too many nights in the tents of San Francisco.  Still, I can see that it's a fun time for Antifa guys, provided they bring along the right girls.  The guys can sprint out into no-man's land and bash in a car window here or there before dashing back to safety behind the women.  Or else wave their batons in the air in defiance of ... well ... someone or something.  But God forbid if they leave their safe space and the other side catches them in the open, in which case it looks like this:

One good punch and the Antifa guys quickly retreat to a safe distance, dragging their wounded with them.  There's a word for these kind of guys, a term most often reserved for the bedroom.  When Antifa meets Home Boy, it's not a pretty picture.  No wonder Democrat women prefer to date Republican men.  Not all women, mind you.  Otherwise, where would Antifa find its front-liners ... such as the girl in the picture above, who must be happy she wore dark pants to the event?

P.S.  I don't like such scenes as depicted in the above video.

P.S.S.  Okay, maybe I do, to a degree, but I regret that I do.

P.S.S.S.  Okay, I don't regret it that much.

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