They also are known as "rape trees."

Those who advocate open borders are only encouraging more of this. I doubt the victims' screams were even audible outside the stash houses and camp sites along the way. You can read about it here.
Now you know what Trump was talking about during the 2016 Presidential primaries when he referred to rapists and drug smugglers coming across the border from Mexico.
So what was my relevant point?
Oh, yes. Today's Democrats and their vision for tomorrow.
Tom Perez, head of the Democrat National Committee (DNC), recently announced that 28 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York City is "the future of our Party." Trust me, he doesn't really mean it. But he and his cronies are bereft of any better ideas.
Young Ms. Ocasio-Cortez just primaried her Democrat opponent in New York City and likely will win against her Republican opponent in the November election for New York's 14th congressional district. It's a reliably Democrat district.
She brands herself a Democrat Socialist. "Centrist" Democrats apparently are passe. They can thank Bernie Sanders for that. And their own party's corruption, highlighted by the Clintons and their ilk, just as Republicans can thank their own party -- and Hillary Clinton -- for Donald J. Trump.
Anyway, let's explore what this "new face of the Democrat Party" looks like.
Here's Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's view on illegal immigration:
“Our nation is in a moral crisis,” said Ocasio-Cortez in response to a question about why she went to the border just three days before the primary election.
“We have to have a rapid response,” she said. “And I think every day that we go on, especially a day when something that heinous happens, we have to occupy all of it. We need to occupy every airport. We need to occupy every border. We need to occupy every ICE office until those kids are back with their parents, period.”Note: By "heinous," she does not mean "trophy trees" or "rape trees." She's talking about children who are separated at the border from adults who claim to be their parents or relatives but can offer no proof, which requires investigation at U.S. taxpayer expense, what with the apparent amount of incest (rape trees, trophy trees) that occurs on the journey by alleged parents and relatives.
Incest and rape aren't the primary concern of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. She's more concerned that teens and young children not be separated from, perhaps, the very people responsible for "trophy trees" and "rape trees." How do you know until you investigate? You don't. So you investigate. ICE investigates. And until they know otherwise, they protect the children from predators. Naturally, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez blames ICE for this dilemma. And she cites ICE as evidence that Trump is a fascist. Yep. That's what you find in her brain. Fortunately, only she lives there.
So let's continue with her righteous screed. She can tell you in her own words:
“We have to show people that we’re willing to walk the walk,” she said.
She called the Trump presidency “rising fascism” and said “we need to be ready to drop everything and go straight to LaGuardia airport. We need to be ready to drop everything and go straight to our local ICE agency.”
There you have it. Go to the mattresses ... er ... the airports to stop fascism and fix the problem of illegal migration.
Hmm. Come to think of it, that's not a bad idea. Let me help. Perhaps hit the major airports first. LaGuardia, Orlando, Miami, O'Hare, Houston, and L.A. for starters. Cause serious disruption in order to make your point. Delay flights. Crowd the entrances. Shout over the flight announcements. Make it difficult for travelers to reach their terminals on time. In fact, coordinate to hit them during summer vacation, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Simply brilliant!!! I'm sure travelers of all stripes will jump on your bandwagon then.
Yes, folks, that's the strategy of the "new face of the Democrat Party." Forget about your summer trip to the beach, or visiting your aging parents in Minnesota for the holidays. She thinks we need to make your air travel a living hell. That'll get the ball rolling in the right direction. A winning strategy, for sure. Who wouldn't vote for that kind of misery?
Still, I think someone should ask her about those trophy trees. And if she might volunteer for an unsupervised trip with the next batch of migrants on their journey to the U.S. I'm sure the coyotes would love her company, but I pray she would never be so foolish. I don't wish ill upon her. She can be forgiven for claiming to know more than she does. After all, she is young and full of un-raped ideas. She is also dangerously ignorant.
Not to pick on Ms. Ocasio-Cortez further, but, what with her being the new face of the Democrat Party, a little more scrutiny may be needed. Such as scrutiny into her concern for Palestinians vis-a-vis the Arab-Israeli conflict.
She claimed that Israeli Defense Forces were mass-murdering civilians in Palestine.
That's a serious accusation and, if true, a matter of international concern.
The PBS show Firing Line recently had her on for an interview. After all, she is the attractive new doll of the Democrat party, a rarity. And pretty she is. But that's irrelevant.
The subject of Israeli-Palestinian relations was raised by PBS host Margaret Hoover. Ms. Hoover chose not to challenge the marginally-coherent response of her guest. Otherwise, it would have been embarrassing. Here's a snippet:
Ocasio-Cortez: Well, yes, but I also think that what people are starting to see in the occupation of Palestine is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian conditions and that to me is just where I tend to come from on this issue.
Margaret Hoover: You use the term the “occupation of Palestine,” what did you mean by that?
Ocasio-Cortez: Oh, I think, what I meant is that the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to housing and homes.
Hoover: Do you think you can expand on that?
Ocasio-Cortez: Yeah I think … [laughing] I am not the expert on geo-politics on this issue. You know, for me, I’m a firm believer in finding a two-state solution in this issue. And I’m happy to sit down with leaders on both of these… for me, I just look at things through a human rights lens, and I may not use the right words– I know this is a very intense issue.
Hmm. Yeah. Sure. Whatever that means. Have you ever thought of being a Miss America contestant?
Should someone have mentioned to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez that Israeli's are not settling in, or attempting to occupy, Palestine? In fact, the Israeli government forcibly relocated all Jews out of the Gaza Strip (her reference to "Palestine?") in 2005 as part of the peace process. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez would have been only 15 at the time, so I don't expect her to know.
That Turks and Ottomans once occupied the territory called Palestine (which includes modern day countries such as Israel) is also a matter of historical fact.
That there has never been a nation-state named Palestine is also an historical fact.
That no 20th century country (Egypt, for instance) ever claimed that territory as part of it's political state is also an historical fact.
Yet facts seem irrelevant to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. It's about "human rights," she insists, though which humans and which rights are undefined. Or not. I can't tell. Ask her.
You can go the The Federalist for more on this.
The bottom line: In her PBS interview, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez couldn't get her facts straight and finally had to admit that actually she's quite ignorant on the subject. I suggest she stick to things like blogging and talking around the supper table rather than swimming in deep waters. The sharks in those waters are as ruthless as coyotes in the desert.
New face of the Democrats, huh? Good luck with that.
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